You’ve tried everything right?
So how does it get to be different?
Long term relief comes from going beyond the confines of dietary restrictions. My team and I offer an effective evidence based program.
The Gut Brain Connection Method®
Is a unique approach that addresses the root cause of IBS symptoms and helps you find relief even when diet and medication have failed. This 12 week programme delivers a comprehensive mind-body approach led by myself an IBS specialist and my team of experienced practitioners.
It’s not your fault
The system is broken
Approximately 1 in 5 in the UK suffers with IBS yet It’s a sad fact that our fragile healthcare system struggles to provide the support needed for those with IBS to truly thrive. Beyond diagnosis many are left without the knowledge & support they need to effectively manage their symptoms.
I see first hand the impact of living with IBS. It's not just the physical discomfort it causes, there’s an emotional toll too - feeling guilty because simple things like eating out, day trips or holidays with the family are just too difficult. Feeling bad for backing out of plans last minute. There's no doubt that living with IBS can be frustrating and lonely and all too often people are told to simply ‘live with it’ trying to figure it out alone, yet it really shouldn’t be that way.
When dietary changes don’t work
It leads to frustration and further restriction
Trying to find relief through changing what you eat can be futile. Focusing on food is only managing a symptom of IBS and not resolving the underlying problem. When changing what you eat doesn’t bring relief it means added stress at mealtimes and can lead to food fears and restrictive eating. It’s a fact that Traditional dietary recommendations for IBS are estimated to improve symptoms in only 40% of individuals. (Rej, et al., 2022)